How Recruitment process looks like amidst COVID-19
We are all aware of this pandemic and its effect. It has downsized many businesses and sectors. Also, raised the demand for Frontline helpers and software. During this crisis, we all are in touch with each other through some software. IT sector now working towards offline as well as online services for easy human interactions. Even before COVID-19, many associations faced significant IT challenges. Now, this pandemic is boosting company sectors to rapidly operate in advance ways. As many companies and businesses now permitted to resume their work, many have plotted recruitment strategies.
Recruitment in the middle of a disaster is not an easy task. Taking a risk in this pandemic is a challenge. But, as far as you take precautions, follow the guidelines, and maintain social distance is still a possible way. Yes, it is a quite difficult process to hire the right candidate at the right job. Though many have lost their job due to COVID-19, people avoid going anywhere. Because life is more important, Indeed true! But to meet our basic requirements work is also an important aspect. We assured you that, after reading this blog you will get a clear vision towards the way we managed a successful recruitment process.
Safety is Essential in COVID-19
Employees’ safety is paramount for companies, also needs to protect the health of each one of them. An employer who recruits new employees makes sure that they are at low risk of spreading this virus.
The parameters we have taken place
- We have allotted different times for each candidate. Also, inform them about when they have to appear in the interview and only before 30 minutes only. Gathering a lot of people during COVID-19 is at high risk. This is not acceptable. At a time only 1 or 2 candidates are allowed.
- As a candidate arrives at the place the foremost thing is to sanitize the candidate. Make sure about the face mask, measuring his/her temperature, and registered their details. If one found to have a risk of spreading the COVID-19 coronavirus, we make sure that he/she kept themselves away from others and go into self-quarantine.
- We have a special arrangement of sitting for the interviewer which turned out as a trusted employer. Who has taken all the precautions and followed the guidelines.
- The meeting process was held in our conference room. Where we arrange the sitting area in such a manner that it maintains a distance. Also, the candidate will not touch any part which may increase the risk.
Final takeaway
Due to COVID-19 widespread, companies are facing tremendous budgetary and working challenges. But as we see indications of recovery, hiring a talented individual may offer commerce a more beneficial and superior approach to find brilliant and skilled people into your firm.
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